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Annual Town Report and Warrant Printing

Annual Town Report and Warrant Printing are staples at Betterway Print. Every year, we produce the Annual Town Report and Warrant Printing for several area townships. In addition, we perform the typesetting for these towns and produce a PDF of the Annual Town Report that is optimized for online viewing.

Your constituency will love the PDF version. One of our towns has dropped the printing altogether, due to the convenience, ease of use and download speed of the PDF. 

Betterway Print No Longer Bids on Town Reports

That's right. Most Annual Town Reports don't cost anywhere near the $5000 limit that they need to go out to bid. Requesting, comparing, etc., the bids is a waste of time for either of 2 reasons: most towns go with a favorite printer anyway, and if not: the hassle of dealing with a new printer/rep every year far outweighs the $100 saved over last year.

Specializing in Annual Town Report printing and compilation for over 15 years, we have developed "Best Practices" that make Town Report season simpler & easier, and the report will get better and better every year.

Try Betterway Print out. Contact us; we'll give your our references. If you like what you hear, use us and you will receive similar service, quality and price. We generally cost about 8% more than your lowest bid (if your price includes typesetting). If we were the cheapest, then our product/service would be "cheap" as well.

NOTE:  Presently, we are only interested in towns whose administration desires to be progressive in providing an improved online version for their constituency to augment a quality-printed annual town report. This generally results in fewer reports needing to be printed as well.

Our PDF versions include:

  • A complete list of bookmarks (navigational links) to contributing departments' reports, enabling users to navigate the report with ease.
  • Pages with tables that must be read sideways are rotated for easier viewing on screen.
  • Color Photos and formatting will be retained throughout your online PDF.
  • Keyword authoring for locating the document online.

Other Town-Related Betterway Print or Data Services

Your town can have past issues of its town reports, town meetings minutes, etc., converted and made into a Massachusetts-Compliant PDF from an existing book, document or non-compliant PDF.
  • We can scan large-format blueprints to disc for your Planning Department, etc.
  • Street Lists: Betterway Print offers compilation and printing of your street list documents.
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Betterway Print 1999-2020