Quality: Considerably sharper printing than a newspaper rag. Improved, high-contrast graphics that highlight your brand in the community.
Duration: Betterway Print placemat advertising covers 6 months at any given location, per issue. Your ad is not "here today, gone tomorrow".
Variety: ONLY Betterway Print produces 2 VERSIONS of each placemat to keep it fresh and add variety for continued readership. On some copies, your ad is on the left,
others on the right. Likewise for top and bottom. Your ad won't be stuck under the napkin.
Exclusives: Betterway Print has a policy of Exclusives Only (relative). Demanding variety in the products and services advertised in our placemat
advertising ensures increased readership for the entire placemat. Also, your ad will be the only one of your kind of business on the placemat.
Only Betterway Print makes sure that its placemat advertising is varied and interesting throughout their duration for enhanced readership... and read them your audience will!
Please contact us to reserve your spot on an upcoming issue. We have, on average, 11 restaurant placemat locations to choose from. You will be
happy to find your company brand and message being seen and read through this kind of exposure.